Financial Studies

Behavioral Insights, Innovative Solutions

looking over the shoulder of a person in a suit, we see them pointing to a screen showing an economic chartBridging technology, analytics, entrepreneurship, and financial inclusion, our work incorporates diverse data sources, use-inspired machine learning models, and the behavioral underpinnings of social science theory to address complex challenges and make transformational discoveries in healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, and more. Below is a rotating selection of our standout investigators in these areas.

   ○ Recent News and Highlights
   ○ Related Strength: Public Policy
   ○ Related Strength: Transportation and Urban Planning

Featured Faculty

devriesAnuradha Basu
Professor of Entrepreneurship
Immigrant and Transnational Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship Education, Family Business
ORCID: 0000-0003-1276-1993

deyoDarwyyn Deyo
Associate Professor of Economics
Law and Economics, Criminal Justice, Health Economics
ORCID: 0000-0003-1209-625X

etu etuEgbe-Etu Etu
Assistant Professor of Marketing and Business Analytics
Health Informatics, Business/Customer Feedback Analytics, Machine/Deep Learning, Simulation Modeling, and Transportation Engineering
ORCID: 0000-0003-0457-6296

guhaMithila Guha
Assistant Professor of Marketing and Business Analytics
Brand-Consumer Online Activism, Digital and Social Media Marketing, Marketing Analytics, Marketing for Positive Social Impact
ORCID: 0000-0002-0385-6977

holianMatthew Holian
Professor of Economics 
Applied Econometrics, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Urban, Environment, Transportation, Housing, Migration, Labor
ORCID: 0000-0002-7319-4294

kannanRangapriya (Priya) Kannan
Dean, Lucas College and Graduate School of Business
Resources for Innovation, Innovation Practices, Behavioral Integrity, Entrepreneurship

khavulSusanna Khavul
Director, School of Management 
Entrepreneurial Finance, Mobile Money, Equity, Crowdfunding, Financial Inclusion, Technology, Entrepreneurship
ORCID: 0000-0001-6039-0053

virickMeg Virick
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs and Professor of Management
Unemployment and Underemployment, Staffing, Succession Planning, Women Workers, Older Workers

woodRobert Chapman Wood
Professor of Strategic Management
Strategic Management of Large Organizations, Motivation, Innovation, Complex Product Systems
ORCID: 0000-0002-1134-4621

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